Take part in a creative group that teaches you how live your life like Christ would have you live your life.
Each year NWPC hosts and all day camp for the kids in the neighborhood.
Nearly every year, the youth of the church and some of their friends travel somewhere and do missions work.
To Donate using the Vanco giving app search by "North Warren Presbyterian Church (Warren, PA)" or use our invitation code TB43VX
Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am
"In Person" Worship
11:00 AM
Also "Live Streamed" on Facebook at 11:00 AM
North Warren Presbyterian Church
200 South State St
North Warren, PA 16365-4645
Church Office Hours
are by apointment
Please call ahead to set up a time to visit.
The building is open daily from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm