The NWPC Community House is OPEN for Rentals

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Events in the Community House


Please note: Arrangements, including key pickup must be made through the church office. Without proper paperwork, no reservation exists


General Guidelines

  • Please check building thoroughly before use, so that you can leave it in as good condition as you found it – or better!
  • Rental includes the main floor of the building only. Nothing in basement or on the stage is included in rental. The basement is occupied by the North Warren Day Care and is strictly off limits.
  • Use your key to permanently unlock the front door from the inside by holding down the panicbar while turning the key.  Make sure to lock the door back when you leave.  DO NOT PROP THE DOOR OPEN unless you put the switch on the automatic door opener in the OFF or OPEN position.  Propping open the door will damage the automatic door opener.
  • Children must be supervised by adults at all times. Youth groups must have at least 2 adults supervising activities.
  • Sneakers are required for all athletic events. No food or drink allowed on gym floor during athletic events.
  • Please bring own supplies, such as paper towels, garbage bags, dish soap, etc. You may use the kitchen and refrigerator, but remember to take food when you leave.
  • Please monitor restrooms. There is a restroom on the main floor and is accessed through the kitchen. The light switch in the kitchen also turns on/off the bathroom lights. Be sure restroom is clean and neat before you leave.



  1. Be certain the kitchen and restroom are clean. Do not leave anything behind!
  2. Replace outlet covers if you removed them for use.
  3. 3. Return clean tables and chairs to proper storage. They are stored in the room at the back of the gym.
  4. Sweep gym floor, dispose of dirt with dust pan and shake dry mops out back door. 
  5. If floor is sticky, use water only to clean floor. PLEASE take care of our brand new floor.
  6. Take your garbage bags with you.
  7. Double check to see that all lights are off and doors are locked. 
  8. Please turn lights on and off at the wall switch, DO NOT tinker with the breaker boxes.
  9. Reset the thermostat to the temperature it was when you arrived.



• Single Use (Day or Evening event) - $90 deposit, $90 rental fee (2 separate checks or cash please)
• Repeated Use – e.g. basketball games every Thursday night for a month - $30

per use
• Check should be payable to: NWPC Community House


Make reservation through the church office during the church’s regular business hours or by e-mail. Please sign and return one copy of this form along with the rental fee. Leave $90 deposit when picking up key during church’s regular business hours (unless previously mailed with this form). Fee will be deposited and deposit returned when key is returned and clean up checked and approved by the church committee.



Community House Reservation Form
2025 Community House Rental Agreement.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [49.6 KB]

To Donate using the Vanco giving app search by "North Warren Presbyterian Church (Warren, PA)" or use our invitation code TB43VX




Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am

"In Person" Worship 

11:00 AM

Also "Live Streamed" on Facebook at 11:00 AM


North Warren Presbyterian Church

200 South State St

North Warren, PA 16365-4645






Church Office Hours

are by apointment

Please call ahead to set up a time to visit.

The building is open daily from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm


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© North Warren Presbyterian Church